Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why? How? When?

Well, we are about to embark on a new stage in life on Thursday...time to start Preschool! I am a little nervous but I know it will be good for both of us. Thursday morning is Colton's first day and it will only be for an hour just to get them comfortable and to get to know his teacher etc. I am allowed to stay 'just in case' it doesn't go so well. Colton is talking pretty brave right now but I know that when Thursday comes he will be wrapped around my leg. Praying for patience and that I will have a brave little boy come Thursday.

These last couple weeks have been so exhausting! Who knew that a 4 year old could ask so many questions in 5 minutes! Colton has been so inquisitive about everything the last couple weeks and I am running out of answers and have found myself going onto 'Google' to try and answer his questions. He keeps me on my toes all day and I'm exhausted by the time he goes to bed each night. I am trying to have patience with each and every question b/c i realize that this is how he learns and I'm sure we all did it to our parents when we were this age. There have been some very awkward and embarassing questions along with questions that you would expect to come out of an 8 yr olds mouth. He is so observent and curious and I have to be 'on' at all times b/c i never know what will come out of his mouth. Love my boy to pieces and so thankful for a happy, healthy and curious little boy.

Here's an example of some of the questions/observations that Colton has said:
"why are some people different colors?"
"why aren't all taxicabs the same color?"
"where does that lady go if she misses the bus?" (referring to a lady standing at the bus stop)
"I think that kid needs to take a nap, right mom?" (screaming/crying kid in Superstore)