Monday, February 28, 2011

Snow Day

It's been a long winter......and  I am bored. So, here is my little list of things that I like about winter:

1) there are no snakes slithering around in the winter - I am TERRIFIED of snakes...the only reason I don't pass out when I see them is b/c I am afraid that if I faint and fall on the ground that they will crawl all over I just stand there and scream at the top of my lungs and then proceed to curl up in the fetal position and rock back and forth for the rest of the day.  I can't even look a magazine that has pictures of snakes in them. Any books that Colton has with snakes in them...those pages have been ripped out and thrown in the garbage. Terrified...truely, 100% terrified! And I am the kind of person that if there is a snake around, I will be the one that spots it! So I will welcome snow if for that reason only!
2) Two words: Roast Dinner! There is nothing more satisfying than sitting down to a warm, home-cooked roast dinner on a freezing cold winter day like today. Mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, fresh buns and delicious roast beef or pork. That has to be one of my favorite winter meals of all times. I keep the butchers in business in the winter around here. Thankfully I have a brother who raises and butchers pigs, so my freezer is full of 'porky-goodness' this winter. I have a pork roast in the crock-pot as I write this and it will be accompanied by roasted potatoes/carrots, GF gravy and fresh rolls(for the boys).
3) Rosey Cheeks - I love to see Colton all bundled up on a cold day and seeing his red cheeks come through the front door and him saying, " mom, feel my cheeks, they are cooooooolllddd". : )
4) Christmas!
5) Crunchy snow - I love the sound of tires gripping on the snow-packed roads or walking on crisp snow.
6) Snow days - as much as I hate to be couped up inside for days on end, it is nice to have a 'snow day' once in awhile. A day to do nothing and not feel bad about it. A day to sit and watch movies and eat chips and unhealthy snacks. All though the following day is usually spent as a 'sick day' for all the garbage you ate on your 'snow day' just can't win, can you? : P
7) Snowmen and snowball fights - There is nothing more fun than spending a beautiful day outside with family and friends and enjoying the childish things that we can do once in awhile. Seeing the faces of  kids as you whip a snowball at them and they look at you like, " Are we allowed to throw one back and not get in trouble?". And who doesn't love building a snowman??!
8) Flannel Sheets! Is there anything better than crawling into a bed that has flannel sheets on it? NOPE!

Well that is my list so far....Today is a 'snow day' here in Calgary ( -35 with the windchill) so I am sitting here with my feet up, watching a movie and eating all the unhealthy snacks I have in the house. Tomorrow will for sure be my 'sick day'...: )
Stay warm my friends!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

True Love

 How do you describe the love that you have for your children? NEVER ENDING TRUE LOVE! Followed by warm fuzzies....*sigh*

Friday, February 11, 2011

Did I miss something? Is today Monday?

F - Fighting
R - Rage
I - Irritable
D - Disobedient
A - Agitated
Y - Yelling
 And no, it isn't me feeling all these things! I think my Friday has been mixed up with my Monday's! Today has been out of the ordinary 'loud and coatic'.....this is not how things usually go around here especially on a Friday. Everyone is fighting, grumpy and tears have been flowing since 6:00 this morning and have not stopped. Sigh. But, I was informed by one of my little boys that everyone is allowed a grumpy day sometimes (which is what i usually say if someone is feeling a little 'off'). True.....but why are all 5 of the grumpy days combined into one day and a FRIDAY of all days? Trying to keep everyone calm and out of each others hair today by reading lots of books and setting up little craft stations...I feel like i am working out at Curves today ( do this craft for 3 minutes and move onto the the next one..Switch!) I am actually feeling rather calm today..which is great b/c i would probably be in a time out right now and bawling my eyes out b/c "no one is listening to me!" Wahhhhhhh! : P 
Happy Friday everyone!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mr. Independant

I got my laugh of the day as i walked into check on Colton lastnight before I went to bed. He is becoming Mr. Independent (which is great) and it is proving to be quite entertaining at times. He decided that he would pick out his own pajama's lastnight and he wanted to put himself to bed we let him and told him that we would be up in a minute to kiss him goodnight. We went up to find him in summer pajama's and a pair of socks pulled up to his knees and he was determined to go to bed like this. Anyone that knows my son, knows that he is a heater at night and putting socks on him is a bad idea because he over heats. Anyways, we put to bed a little boy that was pleased as punch with himself for picking out his sleeping attire. A little bit later I went up to check on him and this is what I found...guess he got over heated with his socks on! : )
I was laughing outloud and try to take a picture and he was out COLD, he didn't even rouse when the flash went off. Needless to say I had to get up around midnight to change him into winter pj's b/c he was cold...can't wait to see what he picks out tonight for pj's. hehe
Oh Colton, I am so in love with you it makes my heart hurt! 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Monday Monday

 A typical Monday around here..everyone tired and cranky and just wanting to spending the day laying around. I decided to put on Planet Earth to see if they would enjoy it...they LOVED it. I am asked at least twice a day if they can watch Planet Earth. Figured this was a little more educational than watching a movie...and something I can sit down to watch with them. So this is what our Mondays look like....

Thursday, February 3, 2011


It has been a general census with most people I talk to that this year has not started off so included. I have been telling myself over the last couple weeks that it is all in how you look at it and the attitude you take when dealing with different issues. I think all of us would agree that a little encouragement goes a long way or a good 'talking to' also goes a long way and usually makes you see the real side and snaps us back to reality. Problems don't go away without you dealing with them and the longer you wait to deal with something the harder it is to make it go away or resolve it.
I sat down the other night after a long day and got to thinkin'....Do I encourage my friends and family as much as they encourage me? Instead of feeling sorry for yourself and going out looking for someone to encourage you, why not look for someone that needs encouragement? And why not take your own encouragement to heart?
The last 6 months have brought some dissolved friendships and some rekindled and new friendships, and it's funny how people are brought into your life at the exact time you need a new perspective on life from someone new. Did I come along into someone's life at the right time that needed me? Did I give them the encouragement and support that they needed?
 I recently rekindled a friendship after 12 years with a high school friend( I feel really old having just said that!) and it was like we had been friends all along. Her encouragement and fresh perspective on things have helped me through some rough days and situations. True friends don't make it a one-sided relationship, rather they give AND take from each other to make the friendship work. Encouragement and honesty play a big part in a friendship working.
Just for the record -  I am 'officially' making this ENCOURAGEMENT DAY. Do you know someone who needs a little encouragement?