Friday, May 20, 2011

Emotional Trainwreck

As a rule, I am not an emotional person. Sure there are things that make me tear up like a heart felt story or something that really upsets me like unneeded or unwanted drama. But, all in all I can hold it together quite well.  
 It has been a long week and I am tired today, but I am holding it together b/c the weekend is here. I had a couple minutes this morning so I sat down to catch up on my PVR. So, I turned on American Idol (closet AI fan) and settled in to watch who would be on the final 2 next week. This episode was about the final 3 contestants going to their home towns (first time in 3 months). For some reason I found myself tearing up over watching these kids go home and seeing all the community support for them. Well....let the water works begin! I was crying like a little baby! If the contestants started to cry I cried even harder. I had tears rolling down my cheeks and I am thinking to myself, "I am ridiculous, who cries over American Idol?"  Me, obviously! 
 I remember the first time I watched the movie 'P.S I Love You'. I was sitting by myself one evening watching the movie and I started to cry about 15 minutes in and I started to sob and sob. I'm talking gut wrenching sobs! Jeff walks in the door and I am curled up in a ball on the couch and sobbing my eyes out! My nose is running, I can't hardly talk and I was shaking. He just stood there for a second with a horrified look on his face and then said, " What is wrong with you? Are you ok?" I sobbed out an answer, "Yessss,(sniff) I'm just watching a sad movie." (cue the loud honking sound of me blowing my nose). 
 Or there are the times you laugh so hard you cry. I am one of those people and it has brought about a few embarassing moments for me and others around me. You know those people that snort when they laugh? Well, that is me when I get laughing hard and I can't help it or stop. I don't laugh that hard very often but when I do people actually stop to stare! There are times I get laughing so hard I can't breathe, I can't see because of the tears and I can't wipe the smile off my face or stop crossing my legs b/c of the urge to pee.(I know I'm not the only one, so don't judge me for saying it out loud!)
I love watching people that are having a good laugh. It puts a smile on my face to think that they found something that funny to laugh at and I secretly wish I could be laughing with them.
I love a good laugh and we all need a good laugh once in awhile. Have you had a good gut wrenching laugh lately? I haven't and I think it is about time to go out and find one!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Baby Cuddles

Jeff's sister Jen and her fiance Donald welcomed a beautiful little boy into the world this morning at 3:28am. Griffin Thomas Humphrey weighed in at 7lbs 8oz and 22 inches long. Congratulations to Jen and Donald! So wishing I was in Halifax today for some new-baby-cuddles. Wishing Jen and Donald all the joy that a little one brings and we look forward to meeting Griffin in the fall. Just a little FYI ..i love babies, and I have no intentions of sharing him once I get him in my arms! : )

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby cause babies don't keep.

This poem hung in our farm house where I grew up until I moved out when I was 17. I memorized this little poem at a young age and I have never forgotten it. Now that I am a mother I can appreciate what this poem says and it is so true! Never feel guilty for cuddling your baby or holding it too much. Once they get to that independent age you have to fight for a cuddle! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Razor or Weed Wacker?

Things have seemed rather caotic these last couple weeks and I feel like I am falling behind in everything..laundry, ironing, cleaning, organizing and me! Life has been busy but I'm not sure with what though. Summer is finally around the corner and there is so much to do. 
I hate to admit it but Mother's Day weekend was anything but relaxing but I accomplished alot. My house has been driving me crazy for a good 2 weeks b/c i have been surface cleaning and spot cleaning, which I hate doing but haven't had the time or the energy to do a proper job. So, on Sunday, Jeff took Colton out for the day and I set in to do some serious work in my house. It felt good to do a good scrub throughout the house and get things crossed off my very long list and to get my house back in order.
I thoroughly enjoyed a hot stone massage on Saturday. I am trying to remember why I stopped getting massages and i can't come up with a good reason so i figured it needs to become a monthly thing for me. 
 Saturday was also the maiden voyage for Colton's new kite! It has been sitting in a box in the entry way for awhile now and we figured we would give it a try on Saturday. It ended up not being windy enough but it was fun just watching Colton and seeing how excited he was to get his kite off the ground.
 Me...I have been putting myself on the back burner lately..I came to the realization that it is time to take some 'me time'  and I'm going to start that time with shaving my hairy legs! Yikes! I forgot how bad I am in the winter for maintaining my legs (too much information, i know, but I know I'm not the only one out there!) Summer is upon us and i have no excuses and no reason to walk around looking like a hairy mammoth so i need to get in the habit...again. Pathetic, i know! Do I hear an 'Amen' from all the other hairy ladies out there?! 
 Looking forward to getting out more now that summer is here and getting my daily dose of Vitamin D and working on my tan! Summer puts everyone in such a better mood and that makes me happy. That whole grumpy- b/c- of- the- weather is another blog post that I will save for later.

We are really looking forward to having Jeff's dad here mid June for 2 weeks...I may or may-not have started a little 'honey-do' list for him while he is here...he will be rewarded with food. : ) In all seriousness, it will be so nice to have some east-coast company here finally.
Well my daily duties are calling me (no i don't mean shaving my legs) so I gotta run for now! Get out and enjoy your day my friends!