Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My new friends...as of Dec.1.

One month from today I will be embarking on my '15 Days of Baking'..EEEEEEKK! I have my baking list narrowed down to 20 recipes (no, i will not do 20 days!) and I need to decide for sure what recipes I will be doing before Dec.1 is upon us. I have had to put Christmas shopping at the top of my list b/c once this baking thing starts my energy level will be at '0' by 6:00 pm each night. So Christmas shopping needs to be done or almost done by Dec.1!

My new best friends..for 15 days!

I am very excited that I actually have a mixer to use this year. I tell you, my right bicep was HUGE from using my hand mixer for 15 days in a row last year!

INCENTIVE OF THE YEAR...(drum roll please!)
I will be posting pictures like I did last year...buuuuuut this year I will enter your name into a hat everytime you comment on a picture, and at the end of my 15 days I will pick a name out of the hat and that person will receive a sample of all my baking!

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