Thursday, February 3, 2011


It has been a general census with most people I talk to that this year has not started off so included. I have been telling myself over the last couple weeks that it is all in how you look at it and the attitude you take when dealing with different issues. I think all of us would agree that a little encouragement goes a long way or a good 'talking to' also goes a long way and usually makes you see the real side and snaps us back to reality. Problems don't go away without you dealing with them and the longer you wait to deal with something the harder it is to make it go away or resolve it.
I sat down the other night after a long day and got to thinkin'....Do I encourage my friends and family as much as they encourage me? Instead of feeling sorry for yourself and going out looking for someone to encourage you, why not look for someone that needs encouragement? And why not take your own encouragement to heart?
The last 6 months have brought some dissolved friendships and some rekindled and new friendships, and it's funny how people are brought into your life at the exact time you need a new perspective on life from someone new. Did I come along into someone's life at the right time that needed me? Did I give them the encouragement and support that they needed?
 I recently rekindled a friendship after 12 years with a high school friend( I feel really old having just said that!) and it was like we had been friends all along. Her encouragement and fresh perspective on things have helped me through some rough days and situations. True friends don't make it a one-sided relationship, rather they give AND take from each other to make the friendship work. Encouragement and honesty play a big part in a friendship working.
Just for the record -  I am 'officially' making this ENCOURAGEMENT DAY. Do you know someone who needs a little encouragement?

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