Friday, March 11, 2011

The Wheels on the Bus...

The other day Colton and I were invited to join our dear friend downtown for lunch. So Colton and I hoped on the bus for a little adventure and headed to meet up with our friend on her lunch break. Colton (like most kids) has no filter when it comes to commenting on whatever he sees. The ride downtown was entertaining and he was pointing out everything he saw  and commenting about people on the bus. We made it downtown without any real embarassment and enjoyed our lunch followed by a walk around the mall.
 We caught the bus again and headed home. Colton was more comfortable this time around and he was also getting tired by this are some of the things that came out of his mouth on the way home...

" Mom, can I touch that guys hair?" - referring to the poor man sitting in front of us who turned around and laughed.
" Why is that lady sleeping on the bus - does she live on the bus?"
" That man shouldn't sleep on the bus, he needs to go home to bed"
" I'll ring the doorbell when it's time for me to get off the bus"
" That lady needs to run faster or she will miss the bus"

Thankfully, people were finding the humor in the innocence of Colton's observations and we made it home without any confrontations! : ) However, we did have to sit down once we got home and go over a few rules about riding the bus and that it is rude to point at people...: )

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